Monday 2 January 2012

Happy New Year!

A very happy new year to my handful of readers!  Spring seems just around the corner and I can't wait as I got my very first bat detector for Christmas and I want to get out there and use it.

Christmas was spent in Scotland visiting my folks and I was desperate to get out and about, but sadly, the weather was atrocious and I just didn't have the right clothing with me.  The journey up the M74 was quite exciting as we saw several buzzards in Dumfries and Galloway which I'd never noticed before - mainly because we normally drive up in the dark!  So, a walk around Coombe Wood in Langdon Hills was the order of the day on New Year's Eve once we were back in Essex.  It was a really nice walk with views over the Thames Estuary.  We saw a few Great Spotted Woodpeckers and some Great Tits, but nothing much else.  There were some lovely trees though some great gnarly ones.

So until my next installment... here's to a conservation-tastic 2012!

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